
“Joy does not come only in the finding, but is part of the process of seeking. Teaching and learning cannot occur without the search, without beauty, and without joy.”

Paulo Freire, Brazilian educator and revolutionary

Main Works in Education

Escola Cazumba (2021 - present): A pedagogical project conceived by Larissa Figueiredo through the production company Cazumbá Filmes, offering workshops, masterclasses, project clinics, and collective laboratories focused on the development of original and engaged artistic projects aimed at re-enchanting the world.

Hey! Project Erasmus + — GriGri Projects - Spain (2022): Responsible for the pedagogical project for teaching cinema aimed at young people, between 15 and 35 years old, who emigrated and returned, those who are unemployed, from ethnic minorities, and who face social, cultural, and/or financial obstacles. Tutor of the pilot workshop that took place at the Jara Socio-Educational Center in Madrid, which was replicated in three other countries.

DocNomads Erasmus Mundus Masters – Portugal (2021): Workshop and supervision of final semester projects for master’s students.

Calarts – California Institute of Arts – USA (2021): Guest Artist lectures for Master’s students in Film, Theater, and Dance.

AIC – Academia Internacional de Cinema – São Paulo – SP (2021): Professor for the Professional Film Course (Filmworks).

Tiradentes Film Festival (2021): Course titled "Re-enchant the body, re-enchant the world."

AIC – Academia Internacional de Cinema – São Paulo – SP (2018/2019): Pedagogical Coordinator and Professor for the Professional Film Course (Filmworks).

Sesc Research and Training Center – São Paulo – SP (2019): Tutor of an open course on hybrid processes in cinema.

Villa-Lobos Park Library – São Paulo - SP (2018): Tutor of an open course on creative audiovisual processes.

Vila das Artes – Fortaleza - CE (2018): Supervisor of final projects for regular students.

Cinema Institute – São Paulo - SP (2018): Member of the faculty for screenwriting, directing, and documentary courses.

Lá Longe, Aqui Perto (2017-2018): Mediator for the project. A film club and cinema education initiative in faxinal communities in the interior of Paraná.

Universidade Positivo (2017 - 2018): Postgraduate Program in Cinema: Processes, Projects, and Reflections. Academic programming consultant and Professor for the Hybrid Processes course.

Sesi Labs – São José dos Pinhais (2017): Consultant in the production of short film projects.

Sesi/Curitiba Lab Dramaturgy Center (2017): Consultant for documentary, short film, feature film, and television series projects.

Direction and Executive Production Consultancy – EICTV, Cuba (2016): In partnership with Rafael Urban, Larissa Figueiredo supervised and advised the entire process of creation, production, and post-production of third-year pre-thesis projects at the Documentary Chair of the International School of Film and Television of Cuba.

Prodav Public TVs Workshops (2016): Tutor for an intensive training program for professionals in Florianópolis (SC), Palmas (TO), and Vitória (ES) to format and submit projects for FSA Public Calls for content production intended for Public TVs.

Fabulating in Documentary (2013 – 2015): An itinerant course in partnership with Rafael Urban, working with film students on encounters with the 'other' and proposals for writing and developing documentary projects. In addition to being taught in Curitiba at various venues, the course was part of the V Cachoeira Doc, organized by the Federal University of Recôncavo Baiano in 2014, and the 4th Olhar de Cinema in 2015.

Inventing with Difference 2014: A project conceived by the Fluminense Federal University with the support of the Secretariat of Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic, providing a methodology for training teachers in cinema education in public schools across Brazil's twenty-seven states. In Curitiba, Larissa Figueiredo and Rafael Urban served as regional mediators.

Centro Europeu (2013): Documentary instructor for students in the regular Cinema course.

UNA-SUS/UFMA (2012): A project developed by the Ministry of Health and the Federal University of Maranhão, offering distance education and training courses for health professionals working in rural areas. Larissa Figueiredo served as audiovisual content coordinator and consultant for the implementation of an audiovisual studio and video lesson techniques.


“Moreover, we must ask ourselves: Is the mechanization and robotization of our daily lives the best that thousands of years of human labor could produce? Can we imagine reconstructing our lives around the communal nature of our relationships with others, including animals, waters, plants, and mountains, which will surely be destroyed by large-scale robot construction? This is the horizon that the discourse and politics of the commons open for us today: not the promise of an impossible return to the past, but the perspective of reclaiming the power to collectively decide our destiny on Earth. This is what I call re-enchanting the world.”

Silvia Federici, Italian philosopher and feminist educator